
  • Feeling sexy every time you look in the mirror
  • Feeling confident in your outfit
  • Holding your head high when you walk in a room
  • Planning an event and NOT dieting before it
  • Going shopping and NOT crying
  • Feeling beautiful in your current body
  • Never having to diet again

That is what Unleashed Body Confidence can give you.

" I'm so ashamed of how I look I don't even want to go outside."

"I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore."

"I haven't worn a bikini in years."

"I just want to feel confident..."

And on and on..

We have all been there, chances are if you're here, you're feeling this way now. You're not alone sister. Maybe you're wishing your body would just look different. Or maybe, you're feeling worthless because your body doesn't fit the "standard beauty" look. Thinking things like...

"Why did I have to get stretch marks?"

"Why can't my stomach look like hers"

"Why is my size not in the store?

"If I could just lose 10lbs I would be beautiful"

I use to be 120lbs at a height of 5' 7". I was 15-20lbs underweight. At my thinnest, I was not only the unhealthiest I have ever been, but I was also incredibly insecure about my body and hated how it looked.


...Never felt beautiful
...I hated my stretch marks
...I thought I was overweight because I had cellulite
...I lost my personality
...I cried when I saw my weight
...And had a meltdown when I went up in sizes of clothes

Fast forward to now...

  • I now weigh 140lbs
  • My weight no longer controls my mood
  • I am free from pant sizes controlling my life
  • Shopping is fun again
  • My stretch marks + cellulite don't stop me from wearing the swimsuit I want
  • My personality is back + louder than ever
  • I have found my passion in life
  • I am ready to be seen by others
  • I found my voice

I am more confident in my body than ever, with no desire to diet ever again. I have a kick a** relationship with my body, I am able to stay in control of my weight, I am at a weight that makes me feel sexy, confident, and healthy! I am free. All thanks to the proven method I teach in Unleashed Body Confidence.

Payment Options


  • Loving your reflection in the mirror
  • Being able to wear the clothes you want with confidence
  • Separating your identity from your looks
  • Seeing your worth beyond your body
  • Increase in body confidence
  • Increase in confidence in life
  • In tune with your body and it's needs
  • Able to shop without a meltdown
  • Clothing sizes no longer give you anxiety
  • Feeling comfortable in clothes
  • Ready to be seen
  • Be able to walk in a room with your head held high
  • Able to wear a swimsuit with confidence
  • Develop a deep connection with your body

... and so much more!

Hey, I'm Natalie!

Mindset + Body Image Coach

I struggled with my body image for years. It wasn't until I started diving deep into nutrition and learning mindset practices that I was really able to feel confident in my body and find my voice.

Through accepting 1-1 clients and starting my online business I realized I wasn't the only one struggling, with body insecurities. I also realized that the reason we as women have so many struggles when it comes to nutrition and exercise all starts with our body image.

Now, I've turned my entire step-by-strategies into this self-guided course, Unleashed Body Confidence to help women, like you, heal your body image and break free from insecurities.

Choose a Pricing Option

In This Course I Help You Heal Your Body Image By...

  • Teaching you how to identify old beliefs around your body
  • Teaching you how to release those beliefs and move forward
  • Teaching you how to create a NEW story around your body
  • Using high level mindset practices that can be customized to your life
  • Using high level physical practices you can use on a daily basis
  • and so much more...

The key to breaking away from diets forever, is developing an undeniable relationship with your body, and that is exactly what you will learn in this course.

See What Clients Are Saying...

"I feel more love and respect for myself and my wellbeing. I am still working on prioritizing myself and my needs, but I feel so much more worthy of the time, effort, and care that it takes to do that. I feel more confident in who I am, how I look, what I have to offer this world, how to take care of myself, and how to create my ideal life. Coming from a background of self-loathing, to get to a place of self-love and compassion was something I never anticipated, but am now eternally grateful for."

-Kylie B

Unleashed Body Confidence is for you if... are tired of being unhappy with your body are afraid to be seen because of your body are afraid to go up in clothing size

... you feel like the number on the scale has taken control constantly feel the need to diet to change your body

... you can't go shopping without a meltdown
...speak negatively about your body to yourself or others.

Choose a Pricing Option

This course is NOT for you if... want a quick fix are looking for a diet plan are looking for 1-1 coaching have no desire to change your mindset towards your body

See What Clients Are Saying...

"Because I have been working on my body confidence, I am enjoying fashion and my style again. I went shopping for new joggers and bras and feel amazing!"

-Caitlin M


When does this course start and finish?

You will receive immediate and unlimited access to all of the course content after course enrollment.

Is there 1-1 support?

There is a private Facebook group where I will be answering questions/providing support M-F.

Will I really feel confident after this course?

This course is completely self-guided. That being said, if you complete the entire course, commit to the practices/teachings within the course, and use the Facebook group as suggested I have no doubt your body confidence will improve!

Are there payment plans?

Yes there is one payment plan option which will be available to you on the check out page.

What if I want a refund?

Due to the digital nature of the course (and my confidence that you will love the course), no refunds will be issued under any circumstance. Please make sure the course feels aligned with your goals before enrolling.

Your Curriculum

  Module 1 The Release
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 You Don't Have to Wait
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 Talk About It
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 Practice Makes Confidence
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 Body Image Reflection
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 Bound to Happen
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 Sync it Up!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get in Touch:

Email: [email protected]